How to sniff HTTPS traffic without certificate manipulation?
Krzysztof Kocel
December 09, 2024
Recently, I was working with a third-party SDK written in Python. I had to find out which headers this SDK sends to the server.
I could have used dedicated software like Charles
or mimproxy
, but I didn’t have much experience with manipulating certificates in Python,
and someone else used SDK directly.
Instead, I came up with something simpler.
The solution
Let’s say I have an SDK that sends requests to https://www.example.com
I can configure the SDK’s base URL.
I start with running ngrok - a reverse proxy that creates a secure tunnel to localhost:
ngrok http 8090
This script starts a tunnel that is publicly accessible through HTTPS, it points to my local machine on port 8090. The URL looks somewhat like: https://b2a1-93-174-30-35.ngrok-free.app
I pass this URL to the SDK.
Then I start Spring Cloud Gateway with the following configuration:
- id: all
uri: https://www.example.com
- Path=/**
port: 8090
This configuration starts server on port 8090 and forwards all incoming requests to https://www.example.com
Then it’s possible to view requests and responses in the ngrok
dashboard -

The following diagram shows how the traffic is sniffed:
In this article, I showed how to sniff HTTPS traffic without manipulating certificates. So, if you don’t want or can’t manipulate certificates (but you can change the base URL), it can be a solution for you. The source code can be found on GitHub.